TBS Cloud - Unbrick the WiFi module
This manual does also apply to the TBS CROSSFIRE module
When you updated your devices to > 1.0 (Fusion) or > 3.24 (Crossfire) and the WiFi does not appear or it’s no longer visible after an update, you can flash the ESP directly by these steps:
What you need:
NodeMcu Flasher
https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasherWiFi Firmware from TBS
https://www.team-blacksheep.com/tbs-cloud-activation.zipUSB FTDI to TTL adapter like these:
Removing the display
As a few of the connection points are located under the lcd-display you need to remove them.
The easiest way to do this is by powering up the module (by USB or in your goggles) and letting it run for about a minute till everything is warmed up. Nor you should be able to gently remove the display and flip it over
Wiring Diagram Fusion Module:
Wiring Diagram Crossfire / Tracer TX:
Wiring Diagram Tango 2:
How to update the WiFi module:
Connect your FTDI Adapter to your computer
Open the NodeMCU flasher and select the WiFi Firmware for your device - you need to enter the path by hand:
Set the Baud rate to 115200 baud in the Advanced tab
Select the correct Com-port and click on “flash” and go straight to step 5!
Hold the joystick to the left while powering the Fusion module by USB
The display should show “WiFi unbrick - please contact TBS for more informations…”
When the WiFi module is flashed, remove the cables and reboot the Fusion