If you experiencing unexpected bad range of your TBS CROSSFIRE there are a few things you can test. Please start from top of this solution.

Quick steps:

- Update System to latest stable firmware: V2.12 (status January 2018)

- Make sure your receiver Antenna is not damaged and the two poles are mounted correctly (Not stickled to a conducting surface like carbon etc)

- Set general settings in XF TX to:

  • Region: Open
  • Max Power 500mW
  • Dyn. Power: On
  • Frequency 868 or 915, depending on your country. Europe general 868MHz, US general 915MHz

This should help in most cases.

If the quick steps did not helped to solve your issue, here is a more detailed way:


- We recommend to use "Operation Mode = Normal" (see "Menu" -> "General")

- Is the frequency set correctly for your country? 

Make sure your TBS CROSSFIRE is not locked to a wrong regulation not fitting your country rules (http://team-blacksheep.freshdesk.com/solution/articles/4000099976)

Make sure your TBS CROSSFIRE is set to the correct frequency range for your country (see user manual)


Make sure your antenna orientation is set properly (http://team-blacksheep.freshdesk.com/solution/articles/4000101963) 

TX Power:

You can verify yourself is your TBS CROSSFIRE transmitter output power stage is working properly. To do so please follow exactly the procedure below:

- Power up TX and RX

- Go to "Menu" -> "General", make sure "Region = Open", "Dynamic Power = Off" and "Max Power = 10mW"

- Go to "Menu" -> "RX Setting", make sure "Telemetry = On"

- Separate TX and RX a few meters

- Make sure you have access to the OLED display and from now on TX nor RX should move anymore

- Go to the second OLED page where you can see Uplink and Downlink RSSI, LQ and SNR

- Write down Uplink RSSI, then go to "Menu" -> "General" and increase "Max Power" one step 

- Repeat above step until you reach 500mW

Now you can analyze this data. Every time the power in "mW" doubles the Uplink "dBm" value should go around 3dBm closer to zero ( please note the RSSI value is negative ). If Uplink RSSI stays at the same value your TX power stage has an issue ( please make sure dynamic power is OFF ) otherwise this test is passed. 

Ground Range Test and report to TBS:

- Power up TX and RX

- Go to "Menu" -> "General", make sure "Region = Open", "Dynamic Power = Off" and "Max Power = 10mW"

- Go to "Menu" -> "RX Setting", make sure "Telemetry = On"

- Place your receiver on anything non-metallic around 1m above the ground

- Go to the second OLED page where you can see Uplink and Downlink RSSI, LQ and SNR

- Monitor those values while walking away

- Once you loose link or you're getting bored of walking write down Up- and Downlink RSSI, LQ and SNR. 

- You can try to increase power to see if you regain link.  

The video below can be used how RSSI should decrease over distance:


If you still getting poor range please open a support ticket with all data you got from this test. In this case please also include following information:

- Firmware version

- Used radio including how the TBS Crossfire is powered

- Selected settings under "Menu" -> "General"

- Selected settings under "Menu" -> "RX Setting" -> "Telemetry"

- Pictures of how TX and RX antenna orientation and mounted